Reviews, essays, and interviews
Exchanges welcomes pitches for reviews and features for publication on our website.
Feature pieces may be English-language interviews relating to translation; or articles and essays that add insight to the field of translation. These can be personal narratives, comparative analyses, or works of theory that meditate on translation in both micro and macro ways.
Reviews should be on books translated into English: of works published in 2024; of works forthcoming in 2025; of historically marginalized or overlooked texts; as well as comparisons between translations of the same text.
Writers should query the reviews and features editor at exchanges@uiowa.edu, subject line “Feature pitch” or “Review pitch.” Please note there is currently a response time of up to one month for feature and review pitches.
Features and reviews are considered and published on a rolling basis, so please contact us any time.
Compensation and Rights
Unfortunately, Exchanges has no funds with which to compensate translators, authors or artists. We ask for first serial rights, after which the rights for all work revert to the author and translator.