To submit works of visual art:
The deadline for art submissions for the Spring issue is April 1st, 2025.
Please submit photos or scans of the media in .jpg format with the file name formatted as artist’s surname_piece title.jpg (e.g. Do_My Art.jpg) to studorg-exchanges@uiowa.edu. Photos or scans should be at least 1000 × 1000 pixels in size and 72 dpi resolution.
Send your submission with the subject line ARTSUB-Artist’s name, Piece Title, Medium (e.g. ARTSUB-Jane Doe, My Art, acrylic on canvas). Emails with alternate subject lines are likely to be filtered or lost.
Please submit at least five images for consideration. If accepted, you will then be asked to provide, in collaboration with our editors, a unique image for each submission accepted for the issue, typically 12-15 submissions total.
Compensation and Rights
Unfortunately, Exchanges has no funds with which to compensate translators, authors or artists. We ask for first serial rights, after which the rights for all work revert to the author and translator.