From In A Time of Wirness
“RED #28”
By Minae Mizumura
Translated by Laurel Taylor
Yayoi Kusama, Red #28 (1960)
Yes. The lipstick had been precisely this shade.
This red.
One day as she walked the narrow path her husband had made through their garden, Yayoi came to a halt. September was half gone, and the leaves were starting to fall, mostly green and yellow on the black earth, but the leaf that appeared before her, leapt at her, was a lovely red.
It had been Lancôme, she was sure. She must have been about fifty years old when she bought it. Her father hadn’t been in his grave even a month, and for the first time in a long time, she had been wandering the cosmetics counters at a department store when it caught her eye. Not a garish crimson but a brick red, tinged with dark orange. As subdued as this fallen leaf, but cheerful in the way only red can be. Westerners would probably wear such a bright shade regardless of age, but she was Japanese and guiltily wondered if it wasn’t too flashy for a woman nearly fifty. And that guilt made her like it all the more. Afraid the shade might be discontinued, Yayoi bought several sticks then and there; though she no longer wore that color, she had perhaps brought a tube to their little mountain retreat, just in case.
She looked up, wondering what kind of tree had dropped such a beautiful red leaf, but Yayoi had been raised in Tokyo, and the tree was nameless to her.
I’ll ask Mr. Ishimura when next he comes, she told herself.
Mr. Ishimura was sent by the local Silver Human Resources Center, but before retiring, he’d been the garden manager for a large hotel, and he alone clambered up the tall trees to prune branches for her and her husband. They had him come work on the trees twice a year—once when they arrived from Tokyo and once right before they went back. If he happened to be free, he’d also come with the other gardeners to cut back the weeds.
Thereafter on her daily walks, Yayoi observed the fallen red leaves at her feet; as they dried, she took note of how the once-lovely red day by day darkened to gray. In the end, the leaves became ominous masses of crumpled black. It seemed to her like death itself had tumbled to the ground there. When she toed at a mass, it disintegrated with no resistance.
When had she stopped wearing that lipstick?
Her husband and companion of nearly half a century had passed away a month and a half ago. He’d had a stroke two years prior, paralyzing the right side of his body, and this year in June, another stroke had felled him. He’d been seventy-six, six years Yayoi’s senior. The pandemic was spreading globally, so they didn’t have a funeral for him, but when someone dies, there’s still so much to do. Yayoi sent out notice of his death, observed the forty-nine-day rites, and once things had settled down a bit, she put his urn in the back seat and fled Tokyo for their mountain retreat.
That had been mid-July.
He’d been a corporate researcher and, Yayoi thought, a good husband. Once he had his stroke, she again took up nursing, but he’d been able to walk with the use of a cane, and when she told him something funny, he laughed. Even after the stroke, his smile had remained unbroken, a flash of his youth from beneath his snowy white hair. Last year, when Yayoi had uneasily driven their car into the mountains, she had no doubt that they had many summers yet before them—her husband’s parents had both lived into their nineties, and so, she believed, would he. But now her husband was smoke, ash, and bone. In order to truly mourn her companion of fifty years, she felt it was best to be alone. At first, Naomi, her eldest daughter, had been worried about Yayoi all by herself up in the mountains, but because of the pandemic, Naomi eventually decided it was for the best: “Maybe it’s better that you’re not in Tokyo. Especially at your age.” But pandemic or not, Yayoi still would have wanted to hurry here, to surround herself with nature and mourn her husband.
As the days marched on, however, she found herself brimming not with mourning but with something like release. Sometimes she found herself setting out two rice bowls in the kitchen before she remembered and burst into tears, but the intervals between these incidents was growing longer and longer, and in their place the realization that at long last she was free to live her own life strengthened. This awareness meant that she no longer cried reminiscing over her husband—instead she wept as she thought back on her own existence. Her release led her to a question: what precisely had her life been up until now?
Yayoi’s day-to-day had not been an unhappy one. She’d never had to worry about finances, and she’d been blessed with a kind husband and capable daughters.
But when she looked back on it all, she’d been a typical woman of her generation—a life spent giving virtually all of her time to others, setting her own desires aside. It had started when her mother was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Yayoi had just started her final year of high school. Her brother, three years younger than her, was barely more than a child, and a boy besides, so he continue attending afterschool college preparatory programs; while Yayoi’s friends went to evening cram schools, she went to the hospital, holding the hand of a mother grown too thin, listening silently to stories from a mother grown talkative with the knowledge that death was near. If there was something her mother wanted to eat, Yayoi took a train to go get it.
“I’m sorry, Yayoi. How’s your schoolwork?”
“It’s fine,” she answered brightly.
After her mother died, Yayoi managed to get into an unremarkable university, but in those happy days, women were meant to marry, raise children, and care for their parents, so she never expected a career for herself. More than a few of her friends who worked hard to get into the most prestigious national universities still wound up on the same path as her. She’d enjoyed painting ever since she was a child, and the idea that she could be a painter had crossed her mind a few times, but that was like wanting to fly off somewhere on a fluffy summer cloud—a thought so flimsy she hesitated to even call it a dream.
Yayoi’s life continued, worrying after a father who’d lost his wife and a brother who’d lost his mother. She cared for them even after she married, even once she was raising two daughters. After her brother married and her father died, she took care of her grandchildren while her daughters pursued their careers. And once the grandchildren no longer needed her, she looked after her husband’s parents. Yayoi’s sister-in-law was the same age as her, but she’d led an unusual life for a woman of their generation, attending Hitotsubashi University, never marrying, and eventually becoming a high-level bureaucrat. When Yayoi considered how her sister-in-law’s days were spent grappling with difficult questions about Japan’s future, she couldn’t bring herself to ask for help in caring for her husband’s elderly parents. Once they passed, Yayoi had a few years’ vacation, but then her husband had the stroke, and her life of nursing began again.
He died just after she turned seventy.
“Seventy” was a problem, and not only because of how old it sounded.
In August, over the Obon holiday, her daughters and grandchildren visited—they ate the food Yayoi had prepared, played, made a mess, and then headed home. Perhaps her daughters had visited assuming it would ease the loneliness of their recently widowed mother. But after they’d gone, as Yayoi struggled to launder the countless dirtied sheets and fold them all by herself, she was left only with the exhaustion of being seventy.
She took to sitting out in a deck chair alone at night, gazing at the illuminated garden and sipping watered down whisky or bourbon. Wondering again what her life had been up to this point. And whenever she wondered, her view of the katsura tree in pride of place at the center of the garden blurred with tears. It became her nightly ceremony. Perhaps she lingered in the mountains through the deepening autumn drinking alcohol she’d never favored before because she wanted to spend the few years left to her walking a different path than the one she’d walked till now.
In October, Yayoi called the Silver Center. This late in the season, whenever the wind blew the leaves fell so furiously they sounded like raindrops. She needed Mr. Ishimura to come and prune the garden trees before they grew bare. She always thought of him as a philosopher. Every visit, he carefully considered which branches to cut before climbing up to do his job, and he took special care with the centerpiece katsura. For it, he stood in the center of the deck, hands on hips, observing it with an expression she could only describe as philosophical, before deliberately beginning his climb. He clipped branches without any hesitation, but before long, he returned to the deck and considered the tree again—if he was displeased, he climbed up and trimmed more.
Her husband, watching him, once said, “He’s like a monkey.” He’d spoken with admiration rather than contempt, yet still in his comparison Yayoi sensed an arrogance particular to Tokyo-ites and thought it rude.
When she’d arrived at the mountain cottage this past July, she told the three men sent by the Silver Center about her husband’s passing. Those same three men came now. She prepared ten o’clock tea and chestnut yо̄kan for them, and when she brought it outside, Mr. Ishimura removed his mask to sip his tea and asked, “Do you miss him?”
Yayoi kept her mask in place when she answered. “Well yes, but he was much older than me. Nothing for it.”
“How long have I known you, now? I suppose it’s more than ten years.”
“How time flies.”
Their conversation was simple, ordinary, but at four o’clock after the men had loaded their mini trucks with all the trimmed branches, Mr. Ishimura came to say goodbye and asked, “You’ll be headed back to Tokyo soon?”
“I think I’ll stay a little longer.”
“Oh. Then I wonder if you wouldn’t like to have dinner together. In memory of your husband.”
Yayoi’s eyes widened. Come to think of it, she and her husband had often slipped him premium saké and other fine delicacies behind his boss’s back. One could say they already had a personal relationship.
The day before their dinner, Yayoi searched through the bottom of her makeup drawer. By some miracle, one tube of that lipstick, still in its packaging, appeared. For whatever reason—the black box perhaps—the lipstick still looked brand new. She took the tube from its box, removed the cap, twisted the bottom, and slowly that exquisite lipstick—the exact same red as the leaf—revealed itself. She’d bought it more than twenty years ago and yet it was as glossy and buttery as if she’d bought it just yesterday. Yayoi turned to the mirror and thrust out her jaw to apply the color, but at the last moment, she withdrew, twisting the tube and putting the lipstick back; she did a quick internet search on her desktop computer.
“Lipstick unopened expiration date.” Every website told her opened lipstick was good for a year and unopened lipstick was good for three years. According to them, the oils in the formula oxidized, which was bad for the skin. The most extreme websites explained it would be tantamount to eating poison. She realized virtually every website was run by a cosmetics company and they all said the same thing, which made her feel like she was being forced to read North Korean propaganda or something—the desire to rebel reared its head. How foolish. Who’d ever heard of anyone dying from old lipstick? Determined, she turned back to the mirror and applied the color to her lips, but then she couldn’t decide if it was too garish.
Over the phone with Naomi, she mentioned finding the lipstick in the drawer and immediately wanted to curse her own foolishness.
“I remember that red lipstick. It looked good on you, Mom. I don’t see why you shouldn’t keep wearing it.” Yayoi regretted saying anything the moment Naomi began speaking. She could already see with all the omnipotence and omniscience of a god exactly what lecture she’d be getting for the next ten minutes: People should be able to dress how they like no matter their age, they should enjoy life, and besides Japanese people think too much about things like “age appropriate,” and what’s more, people should be more concerned with how they want to present themselves and what they want to do and stop worrying so much about others. “Age has nothing to do with who you are. You could even take a lover if you wanted to.”
Naomi’s diatribe matched Yayoi’s predictions word-for-word. Exasperated, she pulled her cell phone away from her ear for a moment and thought. Naomi is pretty smart, but when exactly did she turn into someone so ready to profess so many cliches? One year after opening, three years unopened. The chorus of characters displayed on her computer monitor came back to her. Naomi, who got manicures in mismatched palettes of beige, brown, and navy, might be enjoying her freedoms, but she was no different than all those propaganda girls giving tours of Pyongyang.
If Naomi had been willing to dither a little alongside her mother, the conversation would have accomplished more, but maybe Yayoi had raised her wrong. She had a feeling her youngest, Satomi, would give the same answer.
“Yes, yes. Well, thank you. Talk to you later.” Yayoi tried to hang up, not even bothering to hide her annoyance, but Naomi kept talking.
“And you know, Mom, you’re still in good shape. You could volunteer or something.”
“I mean, you’ve spent your entire life serving others, but it wasn’t really in service of the greater good, you know?”
Yayoi’s heart froze over, but she was so angry she couldn’t even make a retort, so she muttered a quick farewell and hung up. Then, alone, she cried and wailed like a child. She cried in her deck chair under the evening sky, and she cried in bed later than night. She had no idea how many tissues she ended up using.
At the local sushi restaurant, Yayoi didn’t remove her mask until their sashimi selection was placed between them. She took care in folding her mask so the lipstick blotted on the inside wouldn’t show, and when she looked up, she found Mr. Ishimura—dressed in a blazer instead of his usual work clothes—watching her closely. He seemed to realize something was different about her, though he couldn’t seem to place what.
Mr. Ishimura was taciturn, and as they pursued a tepid conversation, Yayoi realized she’d never been out to dinner with a man who hadn’t gone to college; she felt as if this too was the beginning of a life different from the one she’d led before, which cheered her a little. But her cheer was short-lived, and the conversation petered off when Mr. Ishimura’s expression sobered.
“Actually,” he took a measured breath before continuing, “I’ll be quitting Silver at the end of this year.”
“No,” Yayoi whispered, fearing she might burst into tears again.
I can’t believe even Mr. Ishimura is leaving . . .
The Silver Center technically forbid its workers from climbing too high in the trees, but in order to properly prune a tree, he of course felt compelled to reach the top. About three years ago, though, Mr. Ishimura told her, he started to think it was too dangerous for him to climb anymore, but he’d made an exception for their katsura tree. This year, however, even that had felt too dangerous. “If I fell, it’d cause you so much trouble.”
Yayoi tried to take comfort in the fact that even here Mr. Ishimura was putting her first, but she was already at her limit just holding back her tears. She hadn’t even asked him the name of the tree that shed the red leaves.
“Your husband must have been so happy, having a wife like you,” he said, staring intently at her.
She demurred and again became aware of her lipstick, wondering just how much of the color remained.
Mr. Ishimura continued, dropping his words one by one in the way only taciturn people can, staring all the while. “Even after his stroke, you were so kind to him. You two seemed to get along so well.”
Yayoi, embarrassed by her own awareness of her lipstick, said nothing, which Mr. Ishimura took as an invitation to continue. When he first visited their mountain cottage, he’d been impressed by the patient way Yayoi was speaking with someone on the phone—he assumed her mother-in-law—who was apparently in a nursing home in Tokyo. Mr. Ishimura thought the people around Yayoi must be so glad to have her in their lives. Yayoi remembered how her mother-in-law often called, but because the signal was weak in the mountains and because her mother-in-law was hard of hearing, Yayoi had to dash out on the deck and shout her side of the conversation from beginning to end. That’s how Mr. Ishimura had heard those phone calls.
Yayoi said, “My daughter thinks it was all a waste. She says I may have spent my life on other people, but it was only the people closest to me. She said it was meaningless.” Yayoi meant to sound like she was joking, but the wound was still raw and open, and the resultant anger and sadness jumbled together and egged her on.
Mr. Ishimura stared at her, unsure what to say, but eventually he spoke. “I’ve had the short end of the stick my whole life. My story’s not uncommon, though.”
He’d been the eldest son and started working early to help with household expenses so that his two younger brothers could go to college, but now they looked down on him for it.
“No matter how much society advances, I think there’s probably always going to be someone who gets the short end of the stick. I just happened to be that guy.”
And at his age, he didn’t envy the way his brothers had worked themselves to the bone in the concrete jungle of Tokyo until they could finally retire—Mr. Ishimura added that he had a feeling he was the happiest of the lot. He smiled softly, his expression tinged with the faintest irony. When they parted ways for the night, he gave her his phone number and told her to call him if she ever needed anything.
That evening, after she’d gotten home, Yayoi found herself crying facing the illuminated garden again, but her anger had evaporated. Her regret had evaporated. The sky was cloudless, and the stars shown all the brighter, and beneath them, the katsura looked even more majestic than usual. There was no wind, but the leaves glinted and spun in the light, falling still, making her simultaneously conscious of both the time that flows forward ceaselessly and the time that circles and cycles back—today will never return, but autumn will end, and spring will come again.
Should she buy a new tube of leaf-red lipstick? Part of her wanted to decide then and there and part of her no longer cared. Indifferent to her thoughts, the leaves of the katsura tree fluttered and flashed in the light, endlessly falling.
逢う日の前日、弥生は化粧品の入った引出の底のほうを探した。すると、奇跡のようにあの口紅がまだ箱に入ったまま一本出てきた。箱そのものも色が黒っぽかったせいか、新品同様に見える。箱から取り出し、キャップを外し、本体の底のほうをぐるぐると廻せば、あの紅い葉とそっくりの色をした口紅が美しい形を見せて上に登ってきた。買ってから二十年以上は経つのに昨日買ったようにぬらぬらと艶やかである。鏡を前に自分の唇に塗ってみようといったん顎をつきだした弥生はふとそれを引っこめ、また同じところをぐるぐる廻して口紅を元に戻し、まずは机のコンピューターに向かってインターネットで検索した。「口紅 未開封 使用期限」。どのサイトに行っても開封後は一年、未開封の場合は三年と書いてある。油分が酸化して肌に悪いという。極端なサイトでは毒を食べるのと同じだという。よく見ると化粧品会社のサイトが多く、どれもみな同じことを言っているのがあたかも北朝鮮のプロパガンダか何かを読まされているようで、俄然反抗心が頭をもたげた。馬鹿らしい。古い口紅をつけて死んだ人の話など聞いたことはないではないか。ただ、意を決して鏡の前に戻って塗ってみれば、派手過ぎるかどうかは判断がつかなかった。
Minae Mizumura has published eight books, of which five received major literary prizes, including the Yomiuri Literature Award. Four have been translated into English: A True Novel (2013), The Fall of Language in the Age of English (2015), Inheritance from Mother (2017), and An I-Novel (2021). A former resident novelist of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, she is now a member of its advisory committee. Currently she is serializing a novel titled [An Ambassador and His Wife] that will be published in 2024. She lives in Tokyo.
Laurel Taylor is a translator, poet, and an Assistant Professor of Japanese and Comparative Literature at Denver University. Her writing and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Monkey, The Asia Literary Review, Mentor & Muse, Asymptote, and elsewhere.