About Christopher Buxton

Christopher Buxton is a translator of Bulgarian literary fiction and poetry into English. His translation of Rumen Balabanov’s short story, “The Ragiad” was published in Dalkey Press Best European Writing, 2013. In 2014 he edited the translation of Alec Popov’s “Mission London” for Istros Books.

His translation of Milen Ruskov’s work was used at the European Writers Award ceremony. His translation of Kerana Angelova’s “Interior Room” was published in the USA by Accents Press. He has just completed an edited translation of Rusana Burdarska’s “To Essay” which will be published in the USA by Open Letter Books. He is also the founder of the Bulgarian Publishing House Black Sea Oleander Press which has published 4 anthologies of translated Bulgarian poetry. As a Vice Chair of the UK British-Bulgarian Society, he has presented numerous Bulgarian writers for the Bulgarian Cultural Institute, including Alec Popov and Teodora Dimova. His work in promoting Bulgarian culture was recognized in 2015 by the Ministry of Culture as he was subsequently granted Bulgarian citizenship.