About Mario Santiago Papasquiaro

Mario Santiago Papasquiaro was born in Mexico City in 1953 and attended Juan Bañuelos’s poetry workshop at UNAM. In 1975, he and a group of friends—Mara Larrosa, José Peguero, and Rubén Medina along with Chileans Roberto Bolaño, Bruno Montané Krebs, and Juan Esteban Harrington—founded the radical poetry movement, Infrarealism. Santiago Papasquiaro’s poems were first published in the journals Pájaro de calor (1976) and Correspondencia infra (1977) and the anthology Muchachos desnudos bajo el arco iris de fuego (1979). The chapbook Beso eterno and the book-length collection Aullido de cisne were published by Al Este del Paraíso in 1995 and 1996 (respectively). In 1998, Santiago Papasquiaro was killed by a car on one of his many rambles across Mexico City. In 2008, the Fondo de Cultura Económica published his posthumous anthology Jeta de santo, edited by Mario Raúl Guzmán and Rebeca López. In 2008, the collection Respiración del laberinto appeared in its first Cartonera edition. In 2012, Ediciones sin fin published Santiago Papasquiaro’s long poem Sueño sin fin, edited by Bruno Montané Krebs, and that same year, Almadía released the collection Arte & Basura, edited by Luis Felipe Fabre.