About Federico García Lorca

Federico García Lorca is one of Spain’s most prolific poets and playwrights.  He was born in 1898 outside of Granada, Spain to a successful farmer and an accomplished pianist and teacher.  Lorca took to the arts from a young age and was a talented pianist in his own right.  After being raised in Granada, he spent his young adulthood in Madrid and later New York.  He also enjoyed Harlem, as he was a fan of African-American spirituals, which reminded him of certain types of Spanish folk music and even wrote poetry inspired by the locale (such as “El Rey de Harlem”).  Lorca wrote multiple works including  El Maleficio de la mariposa (1920), a play considered scandalous when produced, Libro de poemas (1921), a compilation of poems based on Spanish folklore, and three great tragedies Bodas de sangre (1933), Yerma (1934), and La Casa de Bernarda Alba (1936), among numerous other pieces.  Lorca was also part of Generación del 27, a group of artists with members such as Salvador Dalí and other surrealists.  Toward the end of his young life, Lorca moved back to Spain and was there at the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War.  On August 19 or 20, 1936, he was arrested at his country home (most likely for his liberal views) by Franquist soldiers, was beaten, and brutally shot.  The location of his remains is still unknown.