Death, although I take delight
in singing and coquettishness,
I know exactly what I am
and how my life lasts less and less!
Yet he who sees the threat before
it strikes—can best defend himself.
Death, of fish and fowl both,
you take so much there’s nothing left
but minnows. Let some other be
your bad example—fools abound
who, when putting out to sea,
overload their ships and drown.
Hateful, brutal, evil Death,
you thief, you’re always plundering
the things whose loss we grieve the most!
No one, even duke or king,
could ever find a willing host
to harbor you for just one night.
Against you there is no defense,
no sanctuary where we might
protect ourselves, except the rite
of true confession and the Mass.
You serve us uncooked meat and foul—
we’d rather starve than break our fast.
Death, you take us at your whim.
Before their fathers, children go—
the grain decays before the grass,
the youngest man is the most old,
and Youth itself is only ash.
In fresh new lambskin, rotten guts
for those who cut and carve the roast.
We shouldn’t judge by shell or husk
which hazelnut is worth the most.
Why let the doctor poke and prod
when living is a lethal dose?
There is no medicine but God.
Mors, comment que je me deduise
En chanter et en maniere herluise,
Je voi bien et sai qui je sui
Et comment me vie amenuise !
Mais qui voit le peril ains qu’il muise,
C’est chiex qui miex prent garde en lui.
Mors, a le roy et a le glui,
A[s] tant pris de gent c’au jour d’ui
N’i a reines fors que menuise !
Chastions nous donc par autrui —
C’on doit pour fol tenir chelui
Qui tant carche le nef qu’il puise.
Mors anieuse et felenesse,
Ies de cheus embler larenesse
Dont il cuide que plus anuit !
Si qu’il n’est ne rois ne contesse
Qui puis truist oste ni ostesse
Qui le herbegast une nuit.
Encontre toi n’a nul refuit.
Or n’i a dont autre reduit
Fors confesse, sermon et messe,
Car tu assies ains c’on ait cuit
Le gent d’un morsel mal enduit —
Tout sans proier et sans promesse.
Mors, de chascun prendre ies astiex —
Devant le pere muert li fiex,
Li grains pourist ains que li paille,
Li plus jones est li plus viex,
De ionesche n’est fors bresiex.
En jone cuir pourrie entraille,
A cel qui se viande taille.
On ne doit pas selonc l’escaille
Jugier li quels noiaus vaut miex.
On cuide que fisique viaille
Mais c’est tout trufe et devinaille !
Nus n’est fisiciens fors Dieux.