About D. M. Spitzer

Author of A Heaven Wrought of Iron: Poems from the Odyssey (Etruscan 2016), D. M. Spitzer works primarily on early Greek thinking and Translation Studies. Spitzer’s academic writings have appeared or are forthcoming in journals such as Diacritics, Ancient Philosophy, Mosaic, Translation Review, and his poems have been published in North American Review, Numéro Cinq, and Cyphers. Recently Dr. Spitzer completed editing Philosophy's Treason: Studies in Philosophy and Translation (Vernon Press, 2020) and is currently at work on a number of projects in the field of archaic Greek thinking as well as several translations of ancient Greek texts. abyss of departures, an image-text collaboration with Sarashiva Spitzer, is forthcoming on Hawai’i Review’s e-chapbook series.