Art by Hanna Priemetzhofer

  • Propast u četiri oštrice. Početnica

    Bio je siječanj toliko hladan da je voda u cijevima centralnog grijanja mrzla, toliko lijep da je u očima građana izazivao iznenadan i opravdan strah. U polumraku kuhinje, nezdravo prožetom mjestimičnim bljeskovima izvanjskog svjetla, stajao sam umotan u vojnički džemper i škiljio prema plavozelenom plamenu. Od najranijeg djetinjstva razvijao sam tu strast: krišom se primičem štednjaku i promatram vodu u vrenju. Ponekad su, istina, u pitanju druge tekućine. Iz plastične vrećice u lonac pažljivo preliveno mlijeko, moguće jučer skuhana juha na čijoj površini sa svakim pokretom podrhtava tanka koprena masti, juha u kojoj plutaju slova od tjestenine i raskuhane pileće kosti, no u većini slučajeva do usijanja je u tim posudama dovođena upravo voda: podla supstanca koja se, baš kad si se spremio ščepati je za šiju, pretvara u paru i nestaje. Voda se, spoznao sam još u vrijeme kad sam da vidim vrenje štednjaku morao prinijeti kariranu kuhinjsku stolicu, ponaša u dlaku jednako bez obzira na to što se kasnije u nju imalo sručiti: fina, ručno mljevena kava, goveđe glave, jaja, usvinjene, od izmeta otežale pelene u nevoljnom, pukom silom zapečaćenom posjedu mog mlađeg brata. Vrenje, iz perspektive praktične fizike, podrazumijeva sublimaciju kapljevine u plinovito stanje, radikalno umanjenje njene opipljivosti uslijed zagrijavanjem uzrokovanog divljanja čestica. To mu pridaje imidž čistoga, lakog i reverzibilnog procesa: predstavlja parabolu savršene, zamalo nježne smrti. Za mene: ne. Zaista vrila tekućina za mene nije u točki promjene agregatnog stanja – kada je, pretpostavimo, dosegla temperaturu od stotinu stupnjeva Celzija pri tlaku od 1,013 bara i nestala – već u trenutku kada bi, preslaba da udavi, postala podmukla: kada je jaje puklo, mlijeko se prelilo preko rubova, ruka uzmakla noseći bolnu opeklinu. Moja se fascinacija vrenjem, nalik na vensku krv, zgrušavala oko suptilnog ali perfidnog, specifičnog nasilja vrenja.    

              Za vrijeme tog istog djetinjstva, kao i kasnije, od eksplicitnih sam vježbi nasilja uglavnom bježao. Dijelom iz straha (ljepote lišenog), dijelom iz kukavičluka, dijelom iz neke tad možda prisutnije sjene lucidnosti koja natkriva ego, lucidnosti u međuvremenu razglašene za pomrčinu koja, sada demistificirana i razotkrivena, ličnost ponekad pohodi. Batine tu i tamo, povremeno (međutim maksimalno učinkovito) uništavanje imovine, nikada, treba priznati: davljenje mačaka, pirotehnička sredstva pod perjem ptica, žica o vratu gušterice. U međuvremenu jugoslavenski su ratovi izvezli monograme nasilja s velikim N na našim gaćama i poništili ljude i gradove, a ono svakidašnje, nasilje koje ne završava smrću no prema njoj vodi, ostalo je za mene trajno identificirano s idejom i slikom vrenja, arhetipskom predstavom njegova rušilaštva.  

              Otprilike isto za Borgesa su, barem u mladosti, značili noževi. Mačevi, bodeži, oštrice opće prakse: sve što ne maže nego siječe i probada. Hladno je oružje, napose nož kao njegova ikona, odavno usvojeno kao globalna metonimija nasilja, no poluslijepi je knjižničar oštricu uzdigao na razinu pomno kodiranoga, složenoga simbola, jednog od središnjih lajtmotiva vlastitog književnog opusa. U poznijoj dobi na istom je simboličkom sklopu izgradio reakcionarnu, konzervativnu mitomaniju "čvrstoće, časti i hrabrosti", koja će na kraju rezultirati podrškom Pinochetu i državnom udaru na čileanski demokratski uspostavljen socijalizam, simpatiziranjem argentinskih vojnih hunti. Ipak, barem koliko iz obiteljske ratničke povijesti i obilato idealiziranih, lirskom nadgradnjom osnaženih motiva iz ponešto proširenog areala "krvi & tla" – Borges to spominje u opširnom intervjuu za The Paris Review iz 1966. – izrasla iz svakidašnjice opasnih barria Buenos Airesa desetih i dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, njegova se mladalačka opsesija oštricama oblikovala kao individualni arhetip "nasilja s misijom", rušilačkoga u službi nekoga višeg cilja, ideje ili sile, neuhvatljive kao čast. 

              To je Argentinčevo rušilačko neizmjerno udaljeno od onog sasvim neusmjerenog, samoniklog, neinstrumentaliziranog i divljeg rušilaštva koje sam si godinama predstavljao vrenjem, kao što je moja fascinacija sječivima, vjerujem, dijametralno suprotna njegovoj. Daleko od bilokakvog mita, metapriče ili obične namjere, moje oštrice pokretao je istovremeno razvrat u tijelu čelika i sputani impuls kaosa: ubilački pokret stjeran u kut, zbijen u besprijekornu statiku predmeta. S jedne strane – slamovskim žargonizmima koje spominje Borges – stoji el vaivén; onaj koji dolazi i odlazi – riječ u kojoj je neočekivani, nagli pokret i bljesak noža, njegov nered, najeksplicitnije prisutan. S druge je el fierro: željezo sa svojom preteškom ali paraliziranom savješću, potencijalom koji većinu vrijednosti, svoju prenapregnutu snagu zadržava mahom dok miruje, stečenim autoritetom guši vlastiti pokret. Nož je moći, a ne htjeti. Nož je askeza odricanja. Nož je, to je već očito, ljepota odgode. Sasvim malo je dakle životinjskog ostalo u noževima do kojih držim, pa ipak nož nije drugo nego životinja.

    Prva oštrica. Otac  

    Kao i Borges, kao u jeftinim filmovima o junaštvu koje prikriva i zamračuje potpuni izostanak čojstva, magijom oštrice inficiran sam po muškoj obiteljskoj liniji, počevši s prvim čovjekom kojeg pamtim: djedom po ocu. Nisam siguran je li baš on, visoki oficir ratne mornarice, kapetan bojnog broda penzioniran iz zdravstvenih razloga godinu prije mog rođenja bio zaslužan za njegovu nabavku, pamtim: kako mi ga je, jedne suvišno hladne zime krajem osamdesetih godina u našem prizemnom splitskom stanu, gotovo ritualno, pomalo svečano uručio. Sklopivi, lovački nož oštrice čija je duljina tada dobrano prelazila presjek četiri moja mršava prsta, s pilom za kost i kočnicom, drške obložene srndaćevim rogom, moguće: goveđom imitacijom. Sklopljen, bio je dvostruko zatvoren – počivao je, tih, u čvrsto šivanoj futroli od smeđe kože, s perforacijom za remen na crno bojenoj poleđini. Dizajniran za konkretnu, praktičnu namjenu, nije bio jedan od onih koje se nosi spremne i povlači olako, slučajno. Jedini je od oštrica koje će uslijediti koju vezujem prije svega za oca.

              Otac, vojni pravnik, kapetan prve klase jugoslavenske armije radio je u to vrijeme u Kninu, valjda najgorem mjestu gdje se krajem te osme dekade moglo raditi bilo što. Stanovao je ipak blizu, u garnizonskoj knjižnici posuđivao Borgesova sabrana djela (izdanje iz 1985.), putovao k nama često i,  za mene to je tada bilo još važnije, na neki način možda odlučujuće za moje prihvaćanje nametnutoga roditeljskog odnosa: imao nož gotovo identičan mojem. Duge sate provodio sam promatrajući ih u snopu žutog baterijskog svjetla, dobro skriven na mjestu gdje me se obično moglo pronaći, u mraku pod kuhinjskim stolom. Gledao sam sječiva ne dodirujući ih, izvađena iz futrola i rastvorena, u tihom sjaju položena na histerični uzorak tepiha: nepoznate životinje izgubljene u poznatoj no nerazumljivoj stihiji bilja. Više od svega razlikovala ih je jedna moguće presudno važna antropometrijska činjenica: očevi prsti bili su osjetno deblji od mojih. To je njegovu oštricu, i prema zakonima okupacijskih sila, samo nategnuto, jedva-jedvice dopuštalo klasificirati oružjem. U jednom još uvijek većinom bezbrižnom, bezbjednom društvu i djetinjstvu, bio je to nož koji nije tražio krv: utor strateški postavljen za njen odljev imao je ostati suh, njezin s mukom pripitomljen tok ondje gdje pripada.

              Nož s drškom od srndaćeva roga služio je tako kao neka vrsta pečata, maskulini obiteljski totem, izravna veza s ocem. Ti su noževi tek postavljeni jedan pored drugoga, groteskno različiti u gotovo apsolutnoj identičnosti, poprimali puni smisao. Nadalje, u fazi posvemašne lišenosti neprijatelja (jednako tako: razdoblja kada je neprijatelj bio svatko), služio je on kao praktični alat provedbe onoga ranije spomenutoga neusmjerenog rušilaštva, tek u njezinim posljedicama opipljive istine vrenja. 

              Ni takav, raspušten, nije taj nož učestvovao u uličnim demonstracijama moći, natjerivanju partizana i Nijemaca po jugom načetim granama kostela. Upotrijebljeno oružje – pištolji, mašinke, šmajseri – moralo je da bi bilo učinkovito tada ostati apstraktno, na samom rubu ikoničke prepoznatljivosti izrezano u lakom drvu. Ipak se, tup i blago zahrđao, taj nož koji još uvijek leži u zaboravljenoj ladici pisaćeg stola okrenuo protiv svog vlasnika. Jednog odjednom hladnog jutra kočnica je popustila i učinila da po prvi put ugledam vlastito meso, na kažiprstu desne ruke otvorila lepezast procijep kroz koji je, s krvlju, isteklo jedno djetinjstvo. Nekako paralelno s mape je iščezla država čija će kultura i politička ideja presudno obilježiti moje odrastanje, ostavivši u i danas vidljivom ožiljku duboko utisnute obrise zatrtog identiteta, nacrt temeljite propasti.  

    Druga oštrica. Djed

    Prvi proljetni vjetrovi mogli su, u ono doba prešutnog iskopavanja sjekira, posebno oko vašarnih dana, u gradić između Livna i Duvna dopuhati plešuće mečke. Dok nije Kupreško polje na dugi rok bilo uzorano artiljerijom i lijehama tenkova, stajala je ondje kućica koju je djed podigao na parceli podijeljenoj s dva oficira kopnene vojske. Pamtim: bjeloušku zarezanu oko vrata kako se, krvava, trza u bistrom brzaku potoka, njezinu kožu s uzorkom navučenu na vrbov štap. Pamtim pastirske svirale, konje i lisice, hotel s krovom na dvije vode nad nevidljivim kapitelima neba, pamtim: skijašku žičaru, balegu, paprat i maćuhice, šumske jagode, polja ivančica, paprat, slonove uši, odlazak po mlijeko i toplu pjenu, zveckanje kanti, Cigane, Atosa, u ono doba navodno najvećeg psa u Splitu; pamtim šah, domino, mistrije, šupu s alatom i zimski vrt, karanfile u raznim bojama, pamtim cestu do Kukavičjeg jezera i put prema Stožeru, stazu koja se gubi u niskoj šumi, gole padine, pašnjake, tisov luk i strelice od lijeske; pamtim lovce, poskoke, rodbinu, ranu na lijevoj ruci otvorenu jednog popodneva pilom za željezo, kosce, zveckanje oštrica i šum brusnog kamenja, pamtim: žice, žarače, vrenje vode nad vatrom, u nekom kotliću, skakavce, ivanjske krijesove, prodoran miris otkosa, stogove sijena, snijeg, i to kako dolazi proljeće, kako se snjegovi tope i rijeke bujaju, kako zeleni, pamtim: još štošta.

              Duh životinje potučen tragedijom glazbe; bijesne rafale harmonike, dirigentsku palicu batine koja šiba ukočen zrak, češće se ipak moglo sresti u Bugojnu. Za to se bilo potrebno upristojiti i uputiti cestom duž koje smo brali bazgu, farovima razbiti mrak u utrobi brda čije su padine blještale golemi, u bijelom stijenju uzdignut natpis TITO. Ondje, s druge strane Tita, jedne sam užegle vašarske nedjelje na poklon dobio drugi nož. Na nekom štandu izabrao ga je za mene djed: elegantan, gotovo strog u posvemašnjoj jednostavnosti djelovao mi je kasnije već i izvana perfidno, kao naznaka nesreće – oštrica koja se povlači olako i naviješta proljetno cvjetanje krvi. Drška od crne plastike gutala je blago zakrivljeno, kratko, do krajnosti nabrušeno sječivo, u najmanju ruku pogodno za nanošenje ubodnih rana. Sve u tom malenom predmetu jasno je sugeriralo bljesak i pokret, njegovo ponavljanje. U punom svjetlu pojavio se odjednom u mom posjedu el vaivén. Taj je nož nabavljen kasnog, uobičajeno pretoplog proljeća pred kraj moje prve školske i naše posljednje Kupreške godine krv itekako zahtijevao, štoviše: nadao joj se i prenosio svoju nezadrživu želju na ruke, zglobove, srca.

              Pokupljen sam bio pred školom, jer vrijeme nije bilo nešto za gubljenje, iako se činilo da ga, za sve nas, ima upravo nepregledno mnogo. Na zidu učionice visio je portret čovjeka upisanog u brdo, maršala koji nam je brojao greške. I ponavljao sam još u sebi kao mantru pionirsku zakletvu koju kasnije nisam imao prilike izgovoriti, učiniti od nje performativ, dok je žuti fićo, astmatičan kao i djed, teško sopćući lebdio nad Solinom. U međuvremenu bilo je sve kako pamtim: bjelouške, svirale, balega topla od tijela – nož s drškom od srndaćeva roga počivao je u utoci očekujući oštrenje strelica. Vrijeme stihijskog rušilaštva, ona dobro čuvana istina vrenja, napustila je tada već neprimjetno moje lagano tijelo i, a da to nisam primjećivao, zaposjedala čitav okolni svijet; prelijevala se preko njegovih ljepljivih rubova.

              Proljetne praznike prekinuli smo te godine ranije, da nikad više ne vidimo tu kuću, kuću koju poslije više nije vidio nitko. Miris jagoda do ludila je dražio nosnice, mazge su lizale sol, potočnice se otvarale u žurbi. Već se u Kupreškom polju moglo vidjeti tenkove i gavranovi su letjeli niže nad brdima, ponukani iznenadnim izostankom orlova. U prašnim serpentinama cesta se spuštala prema Splitu, na kliškoj tvrđavi vijorila je zastava kakvu dotada nisam vidio. Moja slovenska strina, preko sendviča s mesnim doručkom, rekla je lakonski: to je sad vaša, ta neka s pikicama. Nisam, naravno, tad bio shvatio svu širinu ove simboličke smrti i istovremene smrti simbola, to da od tog trenutka ni jedna zastava niti išta što za zastavom stoji više nikada neće postati mojom. Vraćao sam se u grad svog djetinjstva težak i dvostruko naoružan, s novom oštricom koja se, nemirna, trzala u džepu hlača. Isti taj čelik, isto to u nju iz mene preliveno stihijsko rušilaštvo kojeg sam se konačno riješio bili su metal i pogrom razarača i migova, oportunistička artiljerija bijednika u koje smo se preko noći, jednostavnom koliko odvratnom jednadžbom, pretvorili gotovo svi. 

              I niz tu se oštricu nakraju slila krv, sasvim prikladno ne moja vlastita. U nultoj noći nove 1999. godine, na krovu nekadašnjeg veslačkog kluba Gusar, pijan od jeftine votke očešao sam njome tjeme pjevača benda Superhiks, stravičnog street-punk sastava u kojem sam u to vrijeme pokušavao lupati bubnjeve. Sve to dok smo, u epizodi preostalog, sada nešto usmjerenijeg rušilaštva, parali s obližnjeg diskonta skinutu našuzastavu: onu s pikicama. Rana je istom tom votkom bila isprana odmah, a nož sam, u naletu intenzivnoga pokajništva, sklopio i zafrljačio u noć što sam snažnije mogao, u namjeri da ga nikada više ne vidim.     

    Treća oštrica. Sin

    Ljeto je teklo niz zube, lilo niz grlo i lijepilo jezik za nepce kao marku egzotične zemlje, a rat je rastao drugdje. Poplavljujući susjedne stanove i daveći pritom stanare, trusio je na naša tjemena rastočene listiće žbuke. Puna godina dijelila nas je od olimpijade u Barceloni, gdje su hrvatski sportaši prvi put službeno nastupili pod našomzastavom: onom kasnije rastrgnutom. Neko je odvratno vrijeme udaralo, po barometru i šire; rat nam se uvukao svima pod nokte, prljavi duh vremena, njegova naturalizirana ideologija, crnilo koje se još uvijek teško sapire. Rušilačko u svojoj najkonkretnijoj, djetinjih skrupula dokraja lišenoj formi.

              Prvi i dosad jedini nož koji sam nabavio sam, na vlastitu inicijativu i o svom trošku predstavljao je savršen odraz trenutka, njegov precizan analogon. Kupljen za cijenu školske užine u jednom od onih sve-po-nekoliko kuna dućana koji su na prepad zaposjeli grad, kvalitetom je posve odgovarao cijeni. Loše izlivena plastična drška utiskivala je svoje viškove u meso dlanova, oštrica, koja bilo čime jedva da je odgovarala imenu, svijala se i pucala pod najmanjim naporom, a gumena je futrola još na putu kući izgubila kopču. Dizajn je, ipak, u svojoj megalomaniji slijedio kič epohe: kombinacija Rambo borbenog noža i standardne bajunete automata AK-47 – popularnog Kalašnjikova – eksplicitno je, sasvim otvoreno obznanjivala njegovu namjenu. Bio je to nož koji se nosi javno, koji zastrašuje, oštrica koja prijeti da će biti upotrijebljena i svoju prijetnju ostvaruje. U njoj stiješnjena demonstracija moći, slika snage za kojom se skriva slabost i odlučnosti koja prikriva kukavičluk i podli interes, bila je i još je uvijek jednostavno zastrašujuća. Posvemašnji izostanak elegancije i čvrstoće, solidnosti koje bodež podrazumijeva uskraćivao mu je pretenziju čak i na onu banalnu, svejedno opasnu Borgesovu utvaru oštrice koja osigurava poredak, uspostavlja i brani čast. Ničega osim bofla i osjećaja lažne ukotvljenosti koji bofl svih vrsta, napose onaj politički, proizvodi nije bilo u njemu. 

              Igra u kojoj je nož kao oružje, nož životinja umjesto svoje bezopasne reprezentacije bio sada prvi put i stvarno prisutan, bila je jednako gnjusna kao to vrijeme i njegov bodež: kulminacija onog narativa o junaštvu koje prikriva izostanak čojstva. Susretali smo se s prvim mrakom, naoružani noževima i baterijskim lampama, u zaraslom perivoju vojne bolnice; neosvijetljenoj parceli uokvirenoj s tri strane stambenim blokovima, s četvrte zapuštenim vinogradima koje korov preuzima, tanji, pročišćava i potom guši u slanoj vodi. Dijeliti smo je morali s narkomanima koji se grče od horsa, s ranjenicima koji na balkonima puše i s prozora pljuju krv: za jedne i za druge bili smo prebrzi, izvan dosega. Ljeto je džunglu činilo masnom i ljepljivom, južina teškom i vlažnom; podivljali lovor, bunika, kaktusi i drugo raslinje sraslo u tropsku makiju neprohodnom i tamnom. Samo je jedno pravilo vrijedilo: noževi su, najčešće jedan drugom identični, imali ostati u futrolama, klanje i žrtve simboličkim. Ratovalo se, kao i u stvarnom svetu oko nas, isprva u jasno određenim timovima, a poslije, kako su noći odmicale i zgušnjavale se u mazutnu koprenu govana, svatko za sebe i svi protiv svih. Sva se taktička logika ovih još uvijek pretpubertetskih gerilskih formacija svodila na podmuklo prikradanje, komplot i zasjedu: sve ne bi li klanje bilo učinkovitije, ne bi li se na drugoj strani nagomilala neupotrebljiva tijela. Nismo se igrali Hrvata i Srba, ni Srba i Muslimana, ni Hrvata i Armije BiH – sve je bilo još poprilično apstraktno i obezličeno, no nikad više pouzdano kao djetinje naganjanje partizana i Nijemaca: nalikovala je naša igra sad na dogovoreni masakr pod nadzorom nijemog, nizozemskog bataljuna neba.   

              Detalj koji vrijedi istaknuti: takav nož uopće nisam želio. Nijedna oštrica u mom posjedu međutim nije odgovarala svrsi te sam, kako ne bih iz igre (moguće: vježbe) bio u startu isključen, bio prisiljen posegnuti za onom upravo opisanom, prihvatljivom. Učinio sam dakle još jednom u danom kontekstu najodvratniju moguću stvar, stvar koja možda može poslužiti pri definiranju inteligencije, no zasigurno signira njezin poraz: prilagodio sam se. Slične su prilagodbe u isto vrijeme od mnogobrojnih sasvim osobnih poraza sastavile jedan najšire baždaren, opći.

    Oštrica četvrta. Smrt

    Jesen je stigla po rasporedu, kao parna lokomotiva, vukući za sobom ugljeni vagon smrti. Ostavili smo za sobom: djetinjstvo, bljeskove & oluje, nekoliko ratova i mnogo više od nekolicinu mrtvih; golemi užegli glib, kaljužu u kojoj kraljuju i gdje god požele po njoj kenjaju golubovi. Nazirali su se: završetak osnovnog školovanja, zaključenje "mirne reintegracije", negdje za uglom djevojke, izvučene iz kuća, blijede u majskom svjetlu, pa onda punk-rock. Ušao sam: upravo u tinejdžerske godine, taj prvi, nesretan broj koji ponekad upadljivo izostaje sa sjedišta aviona, kupea vlakova, s vrata hotelskih soba zauvijek zaključanih. Ušao sam, po povratku s "male" školske ekskurzije na kraju sedmog razreda, sedmodnevnog izleta na kojem većina prvi put popije pivo i posljednji put vidi Hrvatsko zagorje, u naš stan na sedmom katu najvišeg splitskog nebodera, da se prvi put izravno suočim sa smrću. Muhama zapljuvan ekran trpio je snimke sprovoda princeze Dijane, odnekud je kroz ventilaciju dopirao miris punjenih paprika, a na stakla su se hvatale prve kapljice kiše kad sam saznao da je, u šezdeset i sedmoj godini, od komplikacija uzrokovanih teškom upalom pluća umro kapetan bojnog broda u penziji i prvi čovjek kojeg se sjećam: očev otac koji je volio ptice pjevice, desetljećima u njima tovio svoju smrt.       

              Dočekala me kutija medalja i ordena koji su sjali na mojim prsima za onih ranih ratnih igara, ručni sat s remenom koji je još mirisao na znoj i kratka poruka jer je djed, još uvijek zapravo mlad, dobro znao gdje ide te da je unaprijed sastavljen tekst jedino na što se od tamo koliko-toliko može osloniti. Ono najvažnije, ipak, otkrio sam i bez pitanja prisvojio nešto kasnije, kad se ljeto konačno povuklo pred prikladnijim dobom, onim u kojem kratkotrajnost pobjede, raskošno potučena, uzmiče pred sada očitim opsegom poraza. Jednoga bljutavog, jugom pritisnutog popodneva otvorio sam ladicu noćnog ormarića, napipao ga bez gledanja i položio na stol da bi ga, još sklopljenog, dugo promatrao takvog, stiješnjenog u svojoj šutnji.    

              Preda mnom je sad klasični, tisuću puta viđeni, i u kućama neobilježenim kultom i komplotom sječiva prisutan švicarski vojni nož – standardni model "Spartan" u crvenoj plastici, s dvije oštrice, otvaračem za boce i konzerve, čačkalicom, pincetom, šilom i vadičepom – rafinirano, prelijepo oruđe koje već samom pojavom toliko odudara od svoje apostrofirane izvorne namjene, nagovještava uvijek građanski prijetvornu, uvijek u srži lažnu kulturu sječiva. Ta pomno brušena, precizno sastavljena sprava predstavljala je na neki način antinož, možda upravo njegov arhetip. Sve je u njemu bilo strogo kontrolirano, njegova životinja pripitomljena, zamalo nježna, termostat postavljen tako da grijač automatski isključuje dobrano ispod temperature vrenja. Tako je tek smrt, opipljiva, bliska smrt ono apstraktno rušilačko u meni stjerala u laku kutijicu, dragocjen ventil krvavocrvene boje koji neprekidno nosim uza se, od kojeg se ne odvajam niti dok ovo pišem, ventil koji se s vremena na vrijeme odvrne i ostavi dubok zarez u koži, brazdu koja sapinje ludilo. Ne podrazumijeva to, razumije se, nikakav "kraj povijesti noževa", niti približno: dijalektika je oštrica, na osobnom i najširem planu, nezaustavljiva. Zakoračio sam međutim s ovom generičkom, stišanom, vikend-oštricom koju Borges ne bi ni primijetio a ja je volim definitivno i nepovratno u prostor podle stvarnosti smrti, vrijeme u kojem ni jedno klanje više ne može biti simboličko. Riječ je, možda je moguće reći, o mojoj prvoj realnoj oštrici: ona posjeduje specifičnu (anti)egzistencijalnu težinu koja me, pritišćući u svakom trenutku nespremno tijelo, poput utega zadržava na ovoj zemlji.  

              Opisane četiri oštrice spajaju se na kraju na neki način u jednu, punu godinu oštrice, njen ekvinocij, uvijek konačnu i nikad zaključnu sumu – stoje umjesto svih koje su stigle i onih koje će doći poslije, svih koje sam prešutio. Teško da će ijedna, doduše, za mene značiti više, da će, pomalo drsko, zatražiti milost uobličenja. Poraz se kuje dok je svjež, svoju propast treba zgrabiti dok je još mlada. Kao i tada, jesen je opet stigla po rasporedu, lokomotiva ovaj put posve električna, sa smrću naguranom u strujne vodove koji iskre češkajući se s atmosferom. Vode se s neba spuštaju i mute prašinu, otvaraju se zaostali cvjetovi, miriše, vrije u svakoj kapi ljepljiva kiša; gore, na mjesto neba uzlaze ptice natrulih krila, ptice jednim potezom izrezane iz prsa i sklapa se odjednom oštrica, gledaj: ništa više ne bliješti.

  • by Mirza Purić


    Marko Pogačar is best known as a poet with keen insight into human microcosms and social relations, absolute mastery of language and a proclivity for experimentation. An avid traveller, in recent years he has devoted himself to fictionalised travel writing, producing several wonderfully weird, genre-bending books inspired by his globetrotting. One of these books, titled Neon South, is available in English from Sandorf Passage, in my translation.


    The excerpt presented here, taken from the book titled Blind MapA Sonnet of the Road, tells the story of the 1990s Yugoslav wars on the basis of Borges’s typology of knives and Pogačar’s own, rather complex metaphor of boiling. The book, as the title suggests, is structured as a blind map of the world. The protagonist, who is something of a modern-day flâneur or a nomad, a precarious, always-on-the-move intellectual worker, travels across continents and tries to fill the blank spaces delimited by national borders with colours, smells, sounds, snippets of human lives, memories and musings on diverse topics.


    The narration relies on unusual turns of phrase, seemingly disparate registers in juxtaposition, rich lyrical passages and poetic images, but the most salient element of style here are long, meandering sentences with multiple embedded clauses. Pogačar has a fascination with the German and Hungarian sentence and is influenced by writers such as Bolaño, Bernhard, Krleža and Ćosić, all of whom are known for complex syntax. I’ve done my best to avoid splitting these heavy sentences, opting instead to let the reader work for the prize in each one. After all, like his knives, Pogačar’s writing is "the beauty of deferral."


    Marko Pogačar was born in 1984 in Split, Yugoslavia. He has published fourteen books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, for which he has been awarded numerous Croatian and international awards. In 2014, he edited the Young Croatian Lyric  anthology, followed by The Edge of a Page: New Poetry  (2019). He has received fellowships, grants and stipends from organisations such as Civitella Ranieri, Récollets-Paris, Brandenburger Tor, Passa Porta, and daad Berliner Künstlerprogramm. His work has been translated into over thirty languages. His 2020 collection of selected poems Dead Letter Office  (tr. Andrea Jurjević), was a finalist for the National Translation Award in the US.  


    Mirza Purić is a literary translator. 

It was a January so cold that the water in the central heating pipes froze, so beautiful that it stoked fear, sudden yet justified in the eyes of the citizenry. In the twilit kitchen, unwholesomely permeated by intermittent flashes of light from outside, I stood wrapped in an army jumper, squinting towards the greenish-blue flame. From earliest childhood I’d developed that passion: I’d sneak up to the stove and watch the water boil. At times, though, it was other liquids. Milk carefully decanted from a plastic bag into the pot, soup, possibly yesterday’s, the thin film of fat tremoring on its surface with every move, pasta letters and cooked-to-bits chicken bones floating in it, but in most cases it was nothing but water that was brought to heat in those dishes: the sly substance which, just as you’re about to grab it by the scruff of the neck, turns into steam and vanishes. Water—and this I realised at a time when I still had to pull a chequered kitchen chair up to the stove to see the boil—behaves exactly the same regardless of what is to be dumped into it: fine, hand-ground coffee, heads of beef, eggs or soiled, faeces-laden nappies owned unwillingly, under duress, by my younger brother. Boiling, in practical physical terms, is the transition of liquid into vapour, a radical reduction of its tangibility through a heat-induced frenzy of particles. This lends the process an air of a clean, easy reversibility: it is a parable of a perfect, almost tender death. But not to me. To me, liquid never truly boiled at the boiling point—when it reached, presumably, the temperature of a hundred degrees Celsius at the pressure of 1.013 bar and vanished—but at the moment when, too weak to strangle, it became sly: when it made the egg crack, the milk boil over, the hand withdraw bearing a painful burn. My fascination with boiling, like venous blood, curdled round the subtle yet perfidious, specific violence  of boiling.    

          During that same childhood, as well as later, I mostly shirked from explicit exercises in violence. Partly out of (beauty-deprived) fear, partly out of cowardice, partly due to a shadow of lucidity (which may have been more pronounced back then) hanging over the ego, a lucidity which has since been proclaimed an eclipse of the mind and now, demystified and laid bare, visits the self at times. The odd beating, the occasional (yet highly effective) act of criminal damage, but, admittedly, never: the strangling of cats, the ignition of fireworks in birds’ feathers, the tying of wires round lizards’ necks. Meanwhile, the Yugoslav wars monogrammed violence with a capital V on our underpants and stomped out people and cities, yet I still associate the mundane violence, which does not end in death though it steers towards it, with the idea and the image of boiling, its archetypal destructiveness.  

          To Borges, in his youth at least, knives had much the same meaning. Swords, daggers, general-purpose blades: anything not meant for spreading butter but for stabbing and cutting. Cold weapons, the knife in particular as their iconic representative, have long been accepted as a universal metonymy of violence, yet the half-blind librarian elevated the blade to a complex, meticulously coded symbol, one of the central leitmotifs of his oeuvre. Later in life, using this symbolic structure as a base, he built a reactionary, conservative mythology of “toughness, honour, and courage,” which led to his support for Pinochet and the coup to overthrow Chile’s democratically established socialism, as well as to his sympathy for the Argentine military juntas. His youthful obsession with blades, grown out of everyday life in the dangerous barrios of Buenos Aires in the 1910s and 1920s, his family history of warriorship, and highly idealised, lyrically buttressed motifs from the somewhat broadened “blood and soil” repertoire—which Borges mentions in a 1966 interview for The Paris Review—still morphed into an individual archetype of “violence with a mission,” a destructiveness  in the service of a higher purpose, an idea or force as elusive as honour. 

          The Argentine’s destructiveness is unfathomably far from the altogether undirected, grassroots, raw destructiveness which for years I’d conceived of as boiling, just as my own fascination with blades, I believe, is diametrically opposed to his. Far from any kind of myth, meta-narrative or ordinary intention, my blades were at once driven by the lechery of the steel and a fettered chaotic impulse: a murderous motion cornered, crammed into the impeccable statics of objects. To use the slum argot Borges himself uses, there is, on the one hand, el vaivén—the come-and-go, a word which the knife’s sudden, unexpected motion and flash, the mess of it, inhabits most explicitly. On the other hand there is el fierro: the iron with its much too heavy yet paralysed conscience, its potential which retains most of its value and overtaxed strength in idling and suffocates its mobility with its acquired authority. The knife is can, rather than want. The knife is the asceticism of restraint. The knife—this much is obvious by now—is the beauty of deferral. There remains quite little of the bestial in the knives that are of import to me, and yet a knife is nothing if not a beast.


Blade One. Father  


Like Borges, like in cheap films about valour which conceals and obscures a complete absence of humanity, the magic of the blade infected me through the male line, starting with the first man I remember: my paternal grandfather. I’m not sure if it was him—a high-ranking navy officer, battleship captain, retired for medical reasons a year before I was born—who procured the blade. I remember: during an excessively cold winter in the ’80s, in our ground-floor flat in Split, almost ritualistically, somewhat ceremoniously, he presented it to me. A foldable hunting knife with a blade whose length well exceeded the breadth of my four thin fingers, with a bone saw, a security lock and a handle made of deer antler, possibly bovine bone surrogate. Folded, it was doubly enclosed—it rested, silent, in a tightly stitched brown leather sheath with belt-slits on its black-dyed back. Designed with a specific practical purpose in mind, it was not the kind of knife which is carried at the ready or drawn lightly, accidentally. It is the only one among all the subsequent blades which I associate primarily with my father.

          My father, a military lawyer, senior captain in the Yugoslav People’s Army, worked in the town of Knin at the time, I suppose the worst place in the country to be doing anything at all at the end of the eighth decade of the century. But he lived near us, borrowed Borges’s collected works (the 1985 edition) from the garrison library, visited us often, and, even more importantly, in a way perhaps decisively  for my acceptance of the imposed parent-child relationship, he had a knife almost identical to mine. I spent long hours observing both blades in the yellow beam of a torch, hidden in my usual spot, in the darkness under the dining table. I looked at the knives without touching them, unsheathed, unfolded, laid out in their subdued sheen on the hysterical pattern of the rug: unfamiliar fauna lost in the familiar yet incomprehensible force of flora. Above all, they differed in one possibly crucial anthropometric fact: Father’s fingers were significantly thicker than mine. This, even under the laws of an occupying force, and only if the laws were stretched, just barely allowed his blade to be classified as a weapon. During my childhood in an as yet mostly safe and care-free society, the knife didn’t seek after blood: the fuller—strategically swaged into the blade to facilitate drainage—was to remain dry, and the blood, tamed with difficulty, to resume circulation in its proper place.

          The knife with the antler handle thus served as a sigil of sorts, a family totem of masculinity, a direct link to Father. Only when laid out one next to the other did the knives, grotesquely different in their almost absolute sameness, make full sense. Moreover, during spells marked by a complete lack of enemies (just as during periods when the enemy was everyone), the blade with the antler handle served as an implement of the abovementioned undirected destructiveness, but only in its consequence, in the tangible truth of boiling.

          Unbridled as it was, the knife was never involved in street displays of power, the skirmishes between the Partisans and the Germans in the crowns of wind-blasted nettle trees. In order to be effective, the weapons used—handguns, assault rifles and submachine guns whittled out of light wood—had to remain abstract, on the edge of iconic recognisability. And yet, dull and lightly rusted, that knife, which still lies in a forgotten desk drawer, did once turn against its owner. One unexpectedly cold morning, the safety failed and allowed me to see my own flesh for the first time—on the index finger of my right hand it opened a gash which bled not only blood but an entire childhood. In parallel, the country whose culture and political idea had a decisive influence on my upbringing somehow disappeared from the map, leaving behind the still visible scar of deeply impressed contours of a trampled identity, the blueprint of utter ruin.  


Blade Two. Grandfather


In those times of tacit digging up of hatchets, especially during the country fair season in a town halfway between Livno and Duvno in Bosnia, spring’s first winds could sweep in dancing bears. Before Kupres Plain was ploughed up by artillery shells and divided into garden beds of tank pits, there was a little house there which Grandfather had built on a plot he shared with two army officers. I remember: a grass snake, its throat slit, writhing in its own blood in the stream’s clear rapids, its patterned skin stretched on a willow stick. I remember: shepherd’s whistles, foxes and horses, a hotel with an A-frame roof on the invisible chapitels of the sky; I remember: a ski-lift, cow dung, ferns and pansies, wild strawberries, fields of ox-eye daisies, ferns, elephant’s ears, going to fetch milk, its warm foam, the clatter of the buckets, the Gypsies, Atos, supposedly the biggest dog in Split; I remember chess, dominoes, trowels, the tool shed and the winter garden, carnations in various colours; I remember the road to Kukavica Lake and the road to Mt Stožer, the track disappearing in the low-lying forest, the bare slopes of the hills, the pastures, a yew longbow and hazelnut arrows; I remember hunters, horned vipers, relatives, the wound on my left hand I cut open one afternoon with a hacksaw, mowers, the clank of the blades and the scrape of the scythe stones, I remember: wires, rakes, water boiling in a cauldron over a fire, crickets, Midsummer bonfires, the strident smell of the sheaves, the haystacks, and how spring came, how the snow thawed, how the rivers swelled, how lush the green was, I remember: some other bits and bobs.

          The spirit of an animal broken by the tragedy of music, furious bursts of accordion fire, the conductor’s baton beating the stiff air: all this was more likely to be found in the town of Bugojno. One had to dress up for the occasion and take the road along the side of which we used to pick elderberries, let the beams of our headlights break the darkness in the bowels of a hill whose slopes flashed a great big sign, erected amid the white rock, that read TITO. There, on the other side of TITO, on a sweltering fair Sunday, I was presented with my second knife. It was chosen for me at a stall by Grandfather: elegant, almost stern in its absolute simplicity, it later seemed perfidious to me even on the outside, like an inauspicious sign—a blade that is drawn lightly and portends a vernal blossoming of blood. A black plastic handle swallowed up a slightly curved, short blade honed to extremity, suited, at any rate, for the infliction of stabbing wounds. Everything about that small object clearly suggested flash, motion and repetition. In all its splendour, el vaivén came into my possession. That knife, obtained one late, characteristically searing spring towards the end of my first year at school and our last year in Kupres, very much did seek blood, and moreover: it yearned for blood and transferred its unbearable urge onto hands, wrists, hearts.

          I was picked up in front of the school, as there was no time to waste, although it seemed there was, for all of us, an unfathomable lot of it. On the classroom wall hung a portrait of the man inscribed into the hill, the Marshall counting our errors. I was still soundlessly mouthing, like a mantra, the Pioneer Pledge which I’d never get the opportunity to recite properly and make performative, as our car, a yellow Zastava 750, as asthmatic as Grandfather, wheezed heavily and hovered over the town of Solin. In the meantime, everything was the way I remembered: the grass snakes, the whistles, the dung still warm from the body, and the knife with the antler handle rested in its sheath awaiting a sharpening of arrow tips. The unbridled destructiveness, the well-kept truth of boiling, had furtively abandoned my light body and, without my noticing, it was taking over the world around me, boiling over its sticky brim.

          We cut our spring holidays short that year, never again to see the house that was never again to be seen by anyone. The smell of strawberries teased the nostrils to the point of insanity, mules licked salt, scorpion grasses rushed to blossom. Tanks could already be seen on Kupres Plain, and ravens flew low above the hills, prompted by a sudden absence of eagles. Dusty serpentine roads snaked down towards Split, a flag I’d never seen before fluttered above the Fort of Klis. My Slovene aunt, over a tinned lunch meat sandwich, laconically said: that’s your flag now, that thing with the squares. I did not, of course, grasp the magnitude of that symbolic death co-occurring with the death of the symbol, the fact that from that moment on, no flag or anything a flag represents would ever be mine. I was returning to the city of my childhood, heavy and doubly armed, a new blade restless in my trouser pocket. That same steel, the same unbridled destructiveness which I’d finally got rid of when it decanted from me into the blade, were the metal and the pogrom of the destroyers and the MiGs, the opportunistic artillery of the lowlifes nearly all of us had turned into overnight on the strength of an equation that was as simple as it was revolting.

          And blood did eventually run down that blade, appropriately enough, not my own. On night zero of 1999, on the roof of the former Gusar Paddling Club, drunk on cheap vodka, I grazed the top of the head of the singer in Superhiks, an abysmal street-punk band I was trying to clobber drums for. To top it off, this happened in a fit of residual, now somewhat directed destructiveness, since we’d just removed our flag—that thing with the squares—from the nearby corner shop and ripped it up. The wound was immediately rinsed with the vodka. I folded the knife and, in a fit of intense remorse, hurled it into the night as hard as I could, wishing never to see it again.


Blade Three. Son


Summer dripped down the teeth, ran down the throat, and stuck the tongue to the palate like a stamp from an exotic place, and the war was growing elsewhere. Flooding the adjacent flats and drowning the tenants, it sprinkled the tops of our heads with soggy chips of plaster from the ceiling. There was still a whole year before the Olympic Games in Barcelona, where Croatian athletes would compete officially for the first time under our  flag: the same one later ripped up. Atrocious weather struck the barometer, and not only the barometer; the war made its way under our fingernails, the filthy spirit of the age, its naturalised ideology, a murk still difficult to wash away, the destructive in its most concrete form, utterly devoid of infantile scruples.

          The first and only knife I obtained personally, on my own initiative and at my own expense, perfectly reflected the moment in time; it was its precise analogon. Purchased for the price of a school lunch in one of those everything-costs-a-few-kuna shops that had taken the city by storm, its quality matched its price. The poorly moulded plastic handle impressed its excesses into the palm, while the blade—barely possessed of any features that justify the name—bent and cracked under the slightest tension, and the rubber sheath lost the popping fastener from the safety strap on the way home. The megalomania of its design, however, emulated the epoch’s kitsch; the Rambo combat knife combined with the standard-issue AK-47 bayonet loudly proclaimed its purpose. It was an open-carry knife, intimidating, one that threatened and made good on the threat. The display of power compressed into it, a picture of strength, strength which conceals weakness, of determination which conceals cowardice and unscrupulous interests, was and remains terrifying. Its utter lack of elegance and rigidity—the solidity  a dagger possesses—precluded any comparison even with Borges’s banal yet dangerous notion of the blade responsible for securing order, establishing and defending honour. There was nothing to it except rubbishness, and the false sense of anchoredness which rubbish of every type produces, political rubbish in particular.

          The game in which the knife actually served as a weapon for the first time—as knife-beast rather than its benign emanation—was just as vile as the times and the dagger of them: it was the culmination of that heroic narrative which conceals an absence of humanity. We met at first dusk armed with knives and torches, in the overgrown army hospital grounds, an ill-lit patch framed on three sides by blocks of flats, and on the fourth by neglected vineyards that weeds were overrunning, reducing, purifying and drowning in saltwater. We had to share the hospital grounds with addicts cramping up from smack, with wounded soldiers smoking on the balconies and spitting blood from the windows: for both groups we were too fast, beyond reach. The summer made the jungle greasy and sticky, the southerly wind stuffy and oppressive; bay laurel, henbane, cactuses and other vegetation grew wild and wove a tropical macchia that was both impenetrable and dark. Only one rule applied: the knives, in most cases identical, had to remain sheathed, the slaughter and sacrifice symbolic. At first we waged war, just like in the real world around us, in clearly designated teams, but as the nights progressed and thickened into an oily film of shite, it was every man for himself and all against all. The entire tactical logic of these pre-pubescent guerrilla formations boiled down to perfidy and stealth, conspiracy and ambush, with a view to efficacious slaughter, to piling up useless bodies on the other side. We didn’t play at Croats and Serbs, or Serbs and Muslims, or Croats and the Bosnian Army—everything was still quite abstract and faceless, yet never as reliable as our infantile skirmishes between the Germans and the Partisans: our play now resembled a prearranged massacre under the watchful eye of a mute Dutch Battalion in the sky.   

          A noteworthy detail: I never wanted such a knife. However, no blade already in my possession was fit for the purpose, and so, to avoid being disqualified from the game (possibly: the exercise) right at the beginning, I was forced to reach for the one just described, the acceptable one. I therefore once again did the most disgusting thing that could have been done under the circumstances, an action that may serve as a yardstick of intelligence, and certainly does signify its defeat: I adapted. At the same time, similar acts of adaptation assembled my numerous, quite personal defeats into one more general and broadly calibrated.


Blade Four. Death


Autumn arrived on schedule, like a steam locomotive towing a coal wagon of death. We left behind: childhood, the Flashes & the Storms, several wars and more than a few dead; a great gurgling quagmire, a murky morass where pigeons reign supreme and shit wherever they please. On the horizon were: the end of primary school, the completion of “peaceful reintegration of the occupied areas,” girls somewhere round the corner, dragged out of their homes, pale in the May light, and then punk rock. I entered: my teenage years, reaching that unlucky number sometimes conspicuously absent from aeroplane seats, train compartments, and forever locked hotel room doors. Following the “little” school trip at the end of year seven—a week-long excursion on which most pupils had their first pint and their last view of Hrvatsko Zagorje—I entered: our flat on the seventh floor of the tallest tower in Split, to face death for the first time, head-on. The fly-bespittled TV screen suffered under the footage of Princess Diana’s funeral, the aroma of stuffed peppers spread from the air duct, and the window panes caught the first droplets of rain when I learnt that, due to complications from severe pneumonia, the retired sixty-seven-year-old battleship captain, the first man I remember, had died: my father’s father, who loved song-birds and had spent decades fattening his own death in them.       

          I was greeted by a box of medals that had glistened on my chest during those early war games, a watch with a strap that still smelt of sweat, and a brief note, because Grandfather, although still in fact young, knew full well where he was headed, and that a document drafted beforehand was the only thing he could reasonably rely on from beyond. I discovered the most important thing on my own somewhat later, however, and took possession of it without asking, when the summer finally withdrew to make way for a more appropriate season, one during which the transitoriness of victory was trounced and routed by the now obvious magnitude of defeat. On a bland afternoon oppressed by the southerly, I opened a nightstand drawer, felt for it with my hand and laid it on the table, folded, cramped in its silence, and stared at it for a long time.    

          Before me was a classic, a thousand times seen, ubiquitous in houses unburdened by the cult and conspiracy of the blade—the Swiss Army Knife, standard model, red plastic Spartan with two blades, a bottle and tin opener, a toothpick, tweezers, awl and a cork screw. The beautiful, refined tool whose appearance was so much at odds with its often-emphasised original purpose, augured an always duplicitous, bourgeois, and at its core always sham, culture of the blade. This carefully honed, precision-assembled device in a way represented an anti-knife, perhaps nothing less than its archetype. Everything about it was strictly controlled, the beast within tamed, almost tender, a thermostat set to switch off the heater automatically well below the boiling point. Thus death, a tangible, close-to-home death, drove my abstract destructiveness into a small lightweight box, a precious blood-red relief valve I keep on me at all times and don’t separate from even as I write this, a valve I open from time to time that leaves deep cuts in the skin, furrows which fetter madness. This doesn’t, of course, entail anything like “the end of the history of knives,” far from it: the dialectics of the blade is, on a personal and universal level, unstoppable. However, with that generic, toned-down weekend-blade which Borges would not have so much as noticed and yet I loved it, I stepped most definitely and irreversibly into the perfidious reality of death, into a time in which no slaughter could be symbolic. It was—perhaps it can be put thus—my first real  blade: it had a specific (anti)existential weight which pinned me down, keeping me, by pressing down like a weight on my forever unready body, planted on this earth.  

          The four blades eventually melded in some strange way into one full year of the blade, its equinox, an always finite yet never final sum—they stood for all the others that had come before and would come after, all those I leave unmentioned here. It’s unlikely, however, that any other will ever mean as much to me, that it will ever, somewhat brazenly, ask for the mercy of being shaped by the written word. Defeat is forged while it’s still hot, one should grab one’s ruin while it’s fresh. Just as then, autumn—a locomotive now altogether electric—has arrived on schedule, with death crammed into electrical cables that spark as they scratch the atmosphere. Waters come down from the sky and stir dust, straggling flowers blossom, every sticky boiling raindrop is fragrant; to the sky ascend birds with rotten wings, birds carved from the bosom in a single stroke, and suddenly the blade folds. Look: nothing gleams anymore.