Art by Tony Brinkley
Translator’s Note
I was motivated to translate these poems because I lost a family member recently, and the original poems by my daughter, the author, connect and resonate with the theme of ‘Spirit.’ This made the translation process very meaningful and soothing, with the vision that it could also influence others. The poem conveys our deep feelings regarding the loss and afterlife, as well as the associated uncertainties. In the translation process, I had a lot of mixed feelings—sometimes I struggled with my emotions while trying to select the best words and rhymes that would communicate meanings with maximum impact in a foreign language. But at the same time, I would tell myself to slow down so that my readers could enjoy the richness of the words, to feel the sensual and moral impact of the theme too. Therefore, finding the midpoint between these variables while sustaining the balance was crucial to my process, as I need my audience to feel some emotions while still immersed in the substance of the poem line after line. The process also created an unexpected artistic synergy between myself and my daughter which was great at this kind of time—deciding on words and moods made us understand the essence of Spirit better.
The consonants in Turkish sound great to the ears and sometimes, there is this drawl to it which is beautiful. The rise and fall of the lines in English, in imitation of the original’s fluid soundscape, made me really appreciate the translation itself—the poem is comforting, true to the mysteries that abound. We hope that this translation will inspire hope in the living whilst fostering healing and closure in the journey towards understanding and exploring ‘Spirit’ as intended by the original.
Mojisola Bakare
And to Those who Will Not Walk These Moors Again
Translated from Turkish by Mojisola Bakare
Only in dreams will I see your face, glorious
Only in dreams will I hear your voice, sonorous
Only in dreams will I see your eyes sparkle like a galaxy of rising stars, luminous
Only in dreams will I remember
You are not a phantom but a spirit passing swiftly through my thoughts whenever.
Shadows in the night, tall and short
When fireflies dance in the heat, in the dust
The rustling of dry leaves when hurried tongues of wind lick through slumbering moors
Through creaking, open doors
Awaking sleeping creatures—the farmer, the cow, the bird, the horse
Shadows flick through, tall, short, humming melodies, all sorts all kinds
Departed but unrested like they left something behind
Memories unforgettable,
Visions, a pile of those now unrealizable
Footsteps undecided come and go, almost audible
Their echoes the sound of goodbyes impossible.
Until the first lights of dawn filter through
Ceilings, blurring irises as they intrude
Shadows once again flee and hide in the same moors
Behind familiar doors now closed as the morning sun
Chases silhouettes now tired but never ready to run
For we just may never know
What of this life they left behind or cherished most before they were gone.
And to those who will never walk these moors ever again
Say your goodbyes
Even though I can never say mine
Drop your handkerchief
Mine seems dried yet my heart breaks as I heave a million sighs
So say your goodbyes
Fast but with a heart that will never forget, one purged of regret
Go, slowly, saunter back up the moors, forests and undulating streams
Into clearer skies where all is right and bright
Where souls mix with the light
For the morrow is near
Cry no tears and have no fear
For you will wake in a land so far though beautiful and free
In a place where dreams undying become real.
Ve Bu Bozkırlarda Yeniden Yürümeyenlere
By Rahmat Bakare
Yüzünü ancak rüyalarda göreceğim, şanlı
Sesini yalnızca rüyalarda duyacağım, gür
Sadece rüyalarda gözlerindeki ışıltının yükselen yıldızlardan oluşan bir galaksi gibi parladığını göreceğim, aydınlık
Sadece rüyalarda hatırlayacağım
Sen bir hayalet değilsin, ancak her an düşüncelerimden hızla geçen bir ruhsun.
Gecedeki gölgeler, uzun ve kısa
Ateşböcekleri sıcakta dans ettiğinde, tozda dans ettiğinde
Rüzgârın aceleci dilleri uyuyan bozkırları yaladığında kuru yaprakların hışırtısı
Gıcırdayan, açık kapılardan
Uyuyan yaratıkları uyandırıyor, çiftçi, inek, kuş, at
Gölgeler arasından geçiyor, uzun, kısa, uğultulu melodiler, her türden ve çeşitten
Ayrıldılar ama sanki arkalarında bir şey bırakmışlar gibi huzursuzlar
Unutulmaz anılar,
Bir yığın vizyon, artık gerçekleştirilemez
Kararsız ayak sesleri gelip gidiyor, neredeyse duyulabilir
Onların yankıları imkansız vedaların sesidir.
Şafağın ilk ışıkları süzülene kadar
Tavanlara doğru, irisler izinsizce bulanıklaşıyor
Gölgeler bir kez daha kaçıp aynı bozkırlarda saklanıyor
Tanıdık kapıların ardında artık sabah güneşi gibi kapalı
Silüetleri kovala, şimdi yorgun ama asla koşmaya hazır değil
Çünkü asla bilemeyebiliriz
Gitmeden önce bu hayattan en çok neleri geride bıraktılar ya da değer verdiler?
Ve bu bozkırlarda bir daha asla yürüyemeyecek olanlara
Veda et
Her ne kadar benimkini asla söyleyemesem de
Mendilini bırak
Benimki kurumuş gibi görünüyor ama milyonlarca iç çekerken kalbim kırılıyor
Öyleyse veda et
Çabuk ama hiç unutmayacak bir yürekle, pişmanlıklardan arınmış biri
Gidin, yavaşça, bozkırlara, ormanlara ve dalgalı derelere doğru gezin
Her şeyin doğru ve parlak olduğu daha net gökyüzüne
Ruhların ışıkla karıştığı yer
Çünkü yarın yakın
Gözyaşı dökme ve korkma
Çünkü güzel ve özgür olmasına rağmen çok uzak bir ülkede uyanacaksın
Ölümsüz hayallerin gerçeğe dönüştüğü bir yer.
Çünkü güzel ve özgür olmasına rağmen bu kadar uzak bir ülkede uyanacaksın
Ölümsüz hayallerin gerçeğe dönüştüğü bir yer.
Rahmat Bakare is a Nigerian and she comes from a small close knitted family. She resides in Turkey and is a student of Kocaeli University where she also had the opportunity to study Turkish as a second language earlier. Rahmat feels very proud of her multilingual abilities especially for having achieved a high proficiency in Turkish because it is a very rich language that also intertwines with other languages like French and Arabic. She appreciates diversity and is a lover of languages and world cultures. She is looking to make as much progress in studying French and Arabic. She believes there is no language that is difficult to learn.
In her spare time, Rahmat loves reading novels, travelling and watching films. She looks forward to learning more languages and would love to see more of the world and its people in future.
Mojisola Bakare is a graduate of the University of Glasgow, UK Creative Writing Mlitt. with Distinction Award. She also holds a MA from Rome Business School, Italy. She has been published and featured in various anthologies, journals and festivals, including Yemaya (Sydney University, Australia), An Anthology of New Work by African Women (USA), and Lancaster Litfest (UK), among others. She was the Writer In Residence at Cultural Centre Ozu, Monteleone Italy where she showcased her works. She is also a playwright and co-writer of the acclaimed Hear Word Plays by Iopeneye Productions, Nigeria staged in the UK, USA, Europe and Africa. As a hybrid writer, poet, drama cum writing coach and manager, Mojisola enjoys poetry that appreciates the essence of being alive whilst finding answers to phenomena that puzzle the human mind.