Come and listen clearly to the rest:
I know it’s dense, but hope of praise has speared
my heart—A thyrsus strikes the Muses’ love
so deep into my breast. And now inspired,
mind alive, I walk the places poems
have not tread, a ground which hasn’t yet
been touched. And wouldn’t it be sweet to touch
these pristine fonts and drink? A joy to pick
new flowers? Seek from here a sign, a crown
upon my head which no Muse gave before?
Because, for one, I teach great things: I strive
to free your mind from tight religious knots.
And two, I write so clearly on a subject
so unclear. I give it grace. And why?
It’s just like doctors giving bitter drugs
to children coat the cup in honey, golden,
sweet, so guileless lips are tricked to drink
disgusting draughts; but duped, are not misled
because they then grow stronger. Likewise I,
since this philosophy looks gloomy
if you haven’t tried it yet. The masses
shrink from it, but you I’ve tried to teach
with sweetened lines, to sprinkle it with honey,
touched by Muses. So perhaps my verse
could hold your focus while you see the truth
of things, in what shape all the world is made.
Nunc age quod super est cognosce et clarius audi.
nec me animi fallit quam sint obscura; sed acri
percussit thyrso laudis spes magna meum cor,
et simul incussit suavem mi in pectus amorem
Musarum, quo nunc instinctus mente vigenti
avia Pieridum peragro loca nullius ante
trita solo, iuvat integros accedere fontis
atque haurire, iuvatque novos decerpere flores
insignemque meo capiti petere inde coronam
unde prius nulli velarint tempora Musae:
primum quod magnis doceo de rebus et artis
religionum animum nodis exsolvere pergo,
deinde quod obscura de re tam lucida pango
carmina, musaeo contingens cuncta lepore.
id quoque enim non ab nulla ratione videtur;
sed veluti pueris absinthia taetra medentes
cum dare conantur, prius oras pocula circum
contingunt mellis dulci flavoque liquore,
ut puerorum aetas inprovida ludificetur
labrorum tenus, interea perpotet amarum
absinthi laticern deceptaque non capiatur,
sed potius tali pacto recreata valescat,
sic ego nunc, quoniam haec ratio plerumque videtur
tristior esse quibus non est tractata, retroque
volgus abhorret ab hac, volui tibi suaviloquenti
carmine Pierio rationem exponere nostram
et quasi musaeo dulci contingere melle,
si tibi forte animum tali ratione tenere
versibus in nostris possem, dum perspicis omnem
naturam rerum qua constet compta figura.